she struggles with her reptilian
brain, hedonic and reactive
the age old desire to store fat
her goal fluctuates as if
lifetime is a range adapted
from an on-line chart
small signs of age gather
in her larder; individually
wrapped snacks and berry fruities
zen moments are impeded by a widening
gap beside the right incisor and the daily
search for misplaced progressive lenses
lithe memories abound
the resonant thrill of eye to eye
contact, first kisses all over the globe
equilibrium keeps elusive company
mood swings and intermittent blood
in exchange for metered rhythms
all of the self-care sign-posts
have similar fonts in big letters
soft curves and a welcome-in aspect
she hovers at the back of a morning
meeting, sports a make-shift badge
and new age water bottle
with the onslaught of celery and persistent
calculation around portion control
she shifts her weight